The Wech Allyn Microtymp 3 is used by many health professionals who rely on this unit for most reliable readings.The unit is quite portable and adaptable for all ages.The Welch Allyn Microtymp 3™ tests in seconds.It also can assist in detection of perforated tympanic membrane,patient tympanostomy,ossicular disruption,otosclerosis,tympanosclerosis,cholesteatoma.
The Microtymp 3™ is ideal for diagnosing otitis media.Whether fluid in the ear is visible or not the unit produces an exact objective measurement of middle ear status for patients of all ages.
- Available to be purchased with handle & 2 sets of probes.
- Stand and printer also available.
- Reduced pricing when purchased together.
- The unit can be purchased independently of printer and charger.
- Units are brand new with full warranty!
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